
The Truth About Marketing Automation

Authors: David Sloly

“Download your copy of The Truth About Marketing Automation to read conversations with highly successful marketers who are realising the potential of Marketing Automation”


A great deal has been written about the benefits of marketing automation as well as guidance on campaign strategy and technical set-up. But what about the less obvious questions? For instance, what sort of team do you need to successfully implement marketing automation? And how do you introduce marketing automation to the rest of the business?

There isn’t much information out there on these ‘softer’ subjects. So I thought the best thing to do was to speak to senior marketing practitioners who are ‘at the coalface’, solving these problems on a daily basis. After interviewing more than 30 marketing automation practitioners from all over the world I have captured their unique sotries and insights on how they faced and overcome significant challenges.

I hope you find their stories engaging and, more importantly, useful, wherever you are on your marketing automation journey.

David Sloly
After selling his first business at the age of 17, David travelled extensively before returning to the UK to train as a journalist with the BBC. He went on to write and produce multi-award-winning radio shows (SONY Gold, MOBO, Guardian Award) before moving to advertising and finally settling on marketing. His communication and content skills led him to be promoted to the position of Executive Creative Director for a global tech marketing agency creating campaigns for Google, Dell and Microsoft. He has been awarded the cream of the marketing industry’s awards (Agency of the Year, Campaign of the Year, Best Use of Innovative Tech), and his deep understanding of psychology ensures prospects remain engaged at every stage of the buying process. David is the author of several business books and has given talks around the world (TEDx, SXSW, Futurology UK) on content strategies and the power of using stories in business.

A great deal has been written about the benefits of marketing automation as well as guidance on campaign strategy and technical set-up. But what about the less obvious questions? For instance, what sort of team do you need to successfully implement marketing automation? And how do you introduce marketing automation to the rest of the business?

There isn’t much information out there on these ‘softer’ subjects. So I thought the best thing to do was to speak to senior marketing practitioners who are ‘at the coalface’, solving these problems on a daily basis. After interviewing more than 30 marketing automation practitioners from all over the world I have captured their unique sotries and insights on how they faced and overcome significant challenges.

I hope you find their stories engaging and, more importantly, useful, wherever you are on your marketing automation journey.

David Sloly
After selling his first business at the age of 17, David travelled extensively before returning to the UK to train as a journalist with the BBC. He went on to write and produce multi-award-winning radio shows (SONY Gold, MOBO, Guardian Award) before moving to advertising and finally settling on marketing. His communication and content skills led him to be promoted to the position of Executive Creative Director for a global tech marketing agency creating campaigns for Google, Dell and Microsoft. He has been awarded the cream of the marketing industry’s awards (Agency of the Year, Campaign of the Year, Best Use of Innovative Tech), and his deep understanding of psychology ensures prospects remain engaged at every stage of the buying process. David is the author of several business books and has given talks around the world (TEDx, SXSW, Futurology UK) on content strategies and the power of using stories in business.

Why You Need A Business Story And How To Create it

Authors: David Sloly

Download your copy of Why You Need A Business Story And How To Create It and discover the formula so you can create your business story


“As a journalist, broadcaster and producer I learned the art of finding and telling other people’s stories, then, later in life as a creative director I had the privilege of helping world-class brands create stories that connected with customers beyond the product benefits. In 2014, I set myself the task of writing a book that would provide a process to enable anyone to create their own authentic business story. I have made the process as simple as possible so that it is easy to action. But that does mean this book is not the usual 300 pages but instead a slim book containing just the information you need to create your business story quickly. Why You Need A Business Story And How To Create It is a tested method for creating your own powerful business stories that you will be able to write, tell and share today.

  • Learn about the different types of business stories and how to create them in 5-steps
  • Differentiate your business from the competition
  • Learn how to create stories for sales enablement
  • Create engaging presentations using the power of stories
  • Learn how to create a clear proposition to attract new clients.
David Sloly
After selling his first business at the age of 17, David travelled extensively before returning to the UK to train as a journalist with the BBC. He went on to write and produce multi-award-winning radio shows (SONY Gold, MOBO, Guardian Award) before moving to advertising and finally settling on marketing. His communication and content skills led him to be promoted to the position of Executive Creative Director for a global tech marketing agency creating campaigns for Google, Dell and Microsoft. He has been awarded the cream of the marketing industry’s awards (Agency of the Year, Campaign of the Year, Best Use of Innovative Tech), and his deep understanding of psychology ensures prospects remain engaged at every stage of the buying process. David is the author of several business books and has given talks around the world (TEDx, SXSW, Futurology UK) on content strategies and the power of using stories in business.

“As a journalist, broadcaster and producer I learned the art of finding and telling other people’s stories, then, later in life as a creative director I had the privilege of helping world-class brands create stories that connected with customers beyond the product benefits. In 2014, I set myself the task of writing a book that would provide a process to enable anyone to create their own authentic business story. I have made the process as simple as possible so that it is easy to action. But that does mean this book is not the usual 300 pages but instead a slim book containing just the information you need to create your business story quickly. Why You Need A Business Story And How To Create It is a tested method for creating your own powerful business stories that you will be able to write, tell and share today.

  • Learn about the different types of business stories and how to create them in 5-steps
  • Differentiate your business from the competition
  • Learn how to create stories for sales enablement
  • Create engaging presentations using the power of stories
  • Learn how to create a clear proposition to attract new clients.
David Sloly
After selling his first business at the age of 17, David travelled extensively before returning to the UK to train as a journalist with the BBC. He went on to write and produce multi-award-winning radio shows (SONY Gold, MOBO, Guardian Award) before moving to advertising and finally settling on marketing. His communication and content skills led him to be promoted to the position of Executive Creative Director for a global tech marketing agency creating campaigns for Google, Dell and Microsoft. He has been awarded the cream of the marketing industry’s awards (Agency of the Year, Campaign of the Year, Best Use of Innovative Tech), and his deep understanding of psychology ensures prospects remain engaged at every stage of the buying process. David is the author of several business books and has given talks around the world (TEDx, SXSW, Futurology UK) on content strategies and the power of using stories in business.

The Little Book of Funnel Vision

Authors: David Sloly & Mark Boulton

Download your copy of The Little Book of Funnel Vision and discover how small changes can make a big difference to your revenues and margins when applied through the entire funnel.


The sales funnel, or sales pipeline as it’s sometimes called, is a cross-departmental bible. It’s invaluable for identifying areas of the buying process that offer the most significant opportunity for improvement.

Our unique Funnel Vision methodology optimises sales and marketing performance to deliver more and better deals.

If you’re a CEO looking for insight into growth opportunities, a sales leader watching deals in progress, a CFO seeking confidence that forecasts will be met, or a generating leads that turn into profitable revenue, the data and insight from a well-managed funnel can turn an average marketing department into a world-class one. Especially, if your revenue targets are rising faster than your marketing budget.

  • Learn how to increase revenue without increasing top-of-funnel spend
  • Discover the assets that create enquires
  • Learn the most effective way to turn an MQL into an SAL
  • Find out what to measure so you know where to invest
  • Learn how to grow revenue faster than your marketing budget
David Sloly
After selling his first business at the age of 17, David travelled extensively before returning to the UK to train as a journalist with the BBC. He went on to write and produce multi-award-winning radio shows (SONY Gold, MOBO, Guardian Award) before moving to advertising and finally settling on marketing. His communication and content skills led him to be promoted to the position of Executive Creative Director for a global tech marketing agency creating campaigns for Google, Dell and Microsoft. He has been awarded the cream of the marketing industry’s awards (Agency of the Year, Campaign of the Year, Best Use of Innovative Tech), and his deep understanding of psychology ensures prospects remain engaged at every stage of the buying process. David is the author of several business books and has given talks around the world (TEDx, SXSW, Futurology UK) on content strategies and the power of using stories in business.
Mark Boulton
After studying microelectronics and training to be a computer systems designer, Mark moved into the commercial side of IT andworked in IT sales for several years before moving into marketing. Mark has had several global CMO and CRO roles for both B2B and B2C organizations and worked for some of the world’s largest IT brands, including Dell and IBM. Most recently, Mark has worked with several Private Equity and Venture Capital companies, helping them evaluate acquisition targets and turn around portfolio organizations where sales and marketing were not delivering to plan. During his travels, Mark has seen many examples of both best and worst practices when it comes to how sales and marketing work together and how well marketing supports the sales effort at different stages of the sales cycle. It was these experiences that gave Mark the idea for this book and for the Funnel Vision methodology that supports the implementation of the concepts covered.

The sales funnel, or sales pipeline as it’s sometimes called, is a cross-departmental bible. It’s invaluable for identifying areas of the buying process that offer the most significant opportunity for improvement.

Our unique Funnel Vision methodology optimises sales and marketing performance to deliver more and better deals.

If you’re a CEO looking for insight into growth opportunities, a sales leader watching deals in progress, a CFO seeking confidence that forecasts will be met, or a generating leads that turn into profitable revenue, the data and insight from a well-managed funnel can turn an average marketing department into a world-class one. Especially, if your revenue targets are rising faster than your marketing budget.

  • Learn how to increase revenue without increasing top-of-funnel spend
  • Discover the assets that create enquires
  • Learn the most effective way to turn an MQL into an SAL
  • Find out what to measure so you know where to invest
  • Learn how to grow revenue faster than your marketing budget
David Sloly
After selling his first business at the age of 17, David travelled extensively before returning to the UK to train as a journalist with the BBC. He went on to write and produce multi-award-winning radio shows (SONY Gold, MOBO, Guardian Award) before moving to advertising and finally settling on marketing. His communication and content skills led him to be promoted to the position of Executive Creative Director for a global tech marketing agency creating campaigns for Google, Dell and Microsoft. He has been awarded the cream of the marketing industry’s awards (Agency of the Year, Campaign of the Year, Best Use of Innovative Tech), and his deep understanding of psychology ensures prospects remain engaged at every stage of the buying process. David is the author of several business books and has given talks around the world (TEDx, SXSW, Futurology UK) on content strategies and the power of using stories in business.
Mark Boulton
After studying microelectronics and training to be a computer systems designer, Mark moved into the commercial side of IT andworked in IT sales for several years before moving into marketing. Mark has had several global CMO and CRO roles for both B2B and B2C organizations and worked for some of the world’s largest IT brands, including Dell and IBM. Most recently, Mark has worked with several Private Equity and Venture Capital companies, helping them evaluate acquisition targets and turn around portfolio organizations where sales and marketing were not delivering to plan. During his travels, Mark has seen many examples of both best and worst practices when it comes to how sales and marketing work together and how well marketing supports the sales effort at different stages of the sales cycle. It was these experiences that gave Mark the idea for this book and for the Funnel Vision methodology that supports the implementation of the concepts covered.

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